Baited (The Chronicles of the Hunter Book 2) Read online

Page 11

“I do not think so.”

  “I’m hidden. I’ve been careful. He doesn’t know how to find me.”

  “A portal opens every time you leave a purgatory to hunt. Somehow, that part appears to have been discovered. I do not know when you were spotted, nor do I know how long this took to plan and then place into action, although it has been some time. He is patient, but even that wears thin. He wants you back, my dear. I am sorry, Jezebel. I truly am. But this is the only conclusion I can draw.”

  “You’re wrong,” Jezzie repeated, as if that altered anything.

  “Adam Ballantine is a pawn is this, Jezebel. He always has been. Unfortunately, that means he is still in danger. He will be until either he perishes...or you fail. I do not see another end result.”


  “Adam’s extermination is but a minor event. But you? Oh. You, he wants. And from the look of things, he wants you fairly badly.”

  “What should I do?”

  “You must play the hand dealt to you. Adam Ballantine is your assignment. I just told you. He is in danger. Still. Again. But before you go rushing in there, I must warn you. I cannot interfere. I can only watch. You understand?”


  “Then this call is over. Good-bye, my dear. And...good luck.”


  The fire was not speaking to him tonight.

  That was crap luck. That’s why he’d lit it. Adam stared transfixed, watching flames blur and meld into a wash of color and texture and motion. Hues that started blackish-blue at the base changed to dark red as flames wrapped the fake logs. That shade then faded to orange...finally yellow. Just before the flames wafted upward as light trails of smoke, they turned pale yellow. The combination of color and action was mesmerizing. It often yielded answers...but not tonight.


  It was well after midnight. That made it technically morning.

  He’d never felt so morose. Which was just odd. It wasn’t his nature. He was a born optimist. Life held adventure and thrill around every corner. All he had to do was chase it. That’s why he did what he did for an income. Mooning for Jezebel was just stupid. So...he wasn’t going to be with her? So what? It wasn’t the end of the world. It was probably even for the best. He was a lousy boyfriend. No woman would put up with him for long. He had a lot of faults. Women usually made certain he knew of them before they walked away.


  He might actually feel depressed here.

  He should probably get up. Stretch. Walk the six feet of space to the fire pit. Turn off the gas. Let the unit cool down. There wasn’t any danger. The fire pit was even set in the center of their main floor, and because they ate, worked, and pretty much hung out down here, they hadn’t taken the landlord up on his offer to carpet the place. The floor was a large span of tile with some rugs scattered atop it. The rugs didn’t match, nor were they arranged in an artistic fashion. Adam smirked. It was obvious a bunch of guys rented this place, their fire pit was a perfect example. It had a square stone foundation. Concrete center. The conical metal covering above it had a large flat edge. That part was littered right now with a minefield of broken and unbroken shot glasses. Flames reflected off them. The entire area sparkled as if someone had plastered a lot of Christmas lights up.



  The view blurred as Adam’s eyes filled. What an insane thought. He didn’t bother much with Christmas, or any other holiday. Why the heck should he care that he’d be alone now? He blinked until the fire went back to looking like flames and any hint of emotion subsided. Stupid tears. Totally stupid timing. Jezebel wasn’t even human. There was zero possibility of a future with her. There never had been. He just wished his heart realized it. That muscle kicked at his chest wall with painful surges that didn’t seem to diminish.

  Darn it.

  Adam nearly chuckled. The phrasing was amusing. He really was policing his language...even his thoughts.

  He sure wished he felt sleepy, not wide-awake and yet tired at the same time. How in the heck was that even a combination? He hoped it wasn’t related to depression. Sleep still eluded him, despite the hour. And the setting. Maybe he should have taken a couple of shots. He still might. It had worked for most of the others. Ryan was passed out on one of the sofas down here. His snores interspersed the room with rhythmic grunts and whistles. Gareth and Clint had wandered upstairs to their respective rooms. Or, perhaps Adam should say they stumbled, since they hadn’t looked very sober.

  Speaking of...

  He didn’t even have to watch Ken. The guy was still out. He’d taken a bike. Pushed it to the end of the street before firing it up. Planned on smoking some rubber outside of town. He’d challenged Adam to a race. And if he’d felt anything other than heartache, he’d be out there. Right now. Testing the limits...

  “Hey, buddy.”

  Chuck loomed out of the gloom from the opposite side of the fire pit. Adam shifted his glance. Saw the guy approach holding a large carafe in one hand and a cell phone in the other. Trust Chuck to mix alcohol and technology. Adam relaxed.

  “Yo,” he replied.

  “You should see this!”

  The guy held out the phone. Adam shrugged. “Why?”

  “We’re got over a hundred thousand! One. Hundred. Thousand! You heard that, right?”


  “Hits. You know. Like...people are checking us out.”


  “Where? Online!” Chuck gestured with the phone. “Our video is going viral, man!”

  “What video?”

  “What video?” Chuck looked astonished. His jaw dropped, opening his mouth. His hand followed the motion as it went back to his side. He stared at Adam for a moment and then shook his head. “The video with the dark angel! Shit! How much did you drink tonight?”

  “Oh. That.”

  Their video was going viral. He might actually be in reach of his major goals. Fame. Fortune. Security. Oddly, there wasn’t any elation attached to hearing about it. There wasn’t even a hint of interest. Depression was a first-rate enjoyment-killer. Adam transferred his attention back to the fire. Hoped Chuck would leave him alone. That didn’t happen.

  “Are you okay, man?”

  Adam glanced up. The guy wasn’t close enough to the fire to see his expression. He sounded concerned. Adam shrugged.

  “Fine. Why do you ask?”

  “Come on, Ballantine. It’s Chuck. You can level with me. Something’s eating at you.”


  “Maybe, my ass. Everything we’ve worked for is coming true, and you’re acting like the zombie apocalypse just started. Come on. Level with me. What happened?”


  “Adam Ballantine.”


  “I’ve been here since the beginning. Remember? Always in the background. Making sure everything clicks. You know I’ve got your back. Always did.”

  Adam sighed. Wondered.

  “Talking about it might help,” Chuck prompted.

  “That’s doubtful.”

  “Oh, come on. Or do I have to get desperate enough to do something drastic?”

  “You? Drastic?”

  Chuck was as interesting as studying a rock. Twice as unflappable. Drastic didn’t sound like it could be part of his vocabulary.

  “I have my moments.”

  Adam sighed again. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Oh, yeah? Try me.”

  “What have you got there?” Adam asked instead. “Wine?”


  “Something stronger, maybe?”


  “Don’t tell me you’re carrying around water?”

  “ know what Ryan always says. The best cure for a hangover is hydration.”

  “Figures.” Adam remarked.

  “I can get you something. What do you want? Tequila? Whiskey? How about a beer? No? You want me to
brew you up a nice cup of tea?”

  Adam screwed up his face.

  “What is that look for? If you don’t want tea, just say so. I’m trying to lighten things up, man.”

  “All right. You win. I...wasn’t quite truthful earlier,” Adam confessed.

  Chuck guffawed. “No shit. Which time?”

  “I met her.”

  “The dark angel?”


  “Well, that’s totally rad. So...what happened?”

  Adam stilled. Something clicked in his thoughts. Something Chuck said but Adam couldn’t quite grasp. But he was instantly alert. And his gut was tensing up.

  “Well?” Chuck prompted.

  Adam hesitated. “Well...what?”

  “You say you met her. Okay. So. What happened?”

  “Oh. Nothing. Just...nothing.”

  “Come on, man. You’re a chick magnet. And Jezebel is smokin’ hot. Don’t tell me nothing happened.”

  Adam sucked in a breath. His blood instantly chilled. His muscles tensed. His jaw even locked. He had to force the words through clenched teeth. “How do you know her name?”

  Chuck shoved his head back and laughed, sending out an eerie, other-worldly sound. Goose bumps lifted everywhere along Adam’s skin. When Chuck looked back down, his eyes glowed with more intensity than the coals of their fire. Shock chased fright through Adam’s veins, replacing the icy sensation. He’d never felt more alive in his life.

  “Well. Well. That sure took you long enough, Sherlock.”

  Chuck used a heretofore unheard snide tone. Adam narrowed his eyes and lifted from his chair slightly. He didn’t reply.

  “The girls don’t chase after you for your brains, do they, buddy? Don’t bother answering. It’s painfully obvious. You’re a little light on those.”

  “You gonna explain?” Adam asked.

  “Sure. Why not? Jezebel isn’t your run-of-the-mill dark angel. She’s just like me.”


  “You heard me. She sold her soul to the big guy, too. Centuries ago.”

  “Get out.”

  Adam was on his feet. Anger replaced the shock and sent heat with it. Sweat broke out along his hairline. His heart thundered. His pulse sang. His breath caught. Every muscle was poised to spring.

  “Not until I toss this.”

  Chuck lifted the vessel menacingly. The pose matched his expression. Adam had never seen anything so evil. He swallowed. Managed a weak chuckle.

  “You’re throwing water?” he asked.

  “No, smart boy. This is gasoline. Because I told you, I’m getting desperate. And maybe – just maybe – she’ll quit trying to save your ass if you’re no longer so pretty.”

  The man tossed a stream of amber liquid. Adam saw it hit the open flame. The gas lit up and shot toward him like a fuse-lit rocket. He grabbed a breath to handle what was going to be incalculable pain. But then Jezebel materialized right in front of him, her body taking the entire assault. She gasped as her frame lit up like a batch of dry straw. She didn’t scream. She didn’t shout. Adam yanked off his jacket and grabbed for her, but she was immediately at the opposite side of the fire. Grappling with Chuck. It was impossible to move his eyes. Her body was like a torch, the conflagration rising higher with every passing second.

  And he’d been wrong about the building.

  The rugs were alight. Flames jumped from one to the other, making a patchwork of fire. Jez turned to Adam and waved an arm, sending the blaze shooting outward. Looked like the landlord had lied. This place wasn’t remotely up to fire code. The inferno started to lick along the support beams. He glanced upward to see fire race toward the ceiling of the first floor – which was also the floor of their bedroom level.


  She yelled the word. He dropped his gaze. He could barely make out her form amidst the firestorm. Chuck was alight now, too. They were locked together as if performing a macabre fire dance.

  “I’m not leaving you!”

  “I’ll handle him! You must go! Save the others!”

  Adam looked back up. She was right. Flames approached the staircase. Anyone up there would have to use the outside fire escape. Behind him, he heard Ryan’s voice, sounding totally sober and completely authoritative as he shouted orders.

  “Son of a bitch! Fire! Everybody up! Up! Get out! That means you, too, Ballantine!”

  As Adam watched, Gareth peeked over the staircase, then jerked back inside, hauling the door shut behind him. That was one good thing. Adam no longer had to brave the stairs to alert them.

  But Jezebel...

  Adam made a move toward her. Heat seared his face, driving him back.

  “Jezebel!” He shouted.


  “I love you!” Adam yelled back.

  Her form stopped moving for the barest moment. But just then a beam came loose from the ceiling and swung downward, moving as if in slow motion. A loud groan accompanied its fall.

  It barely missed the fire pit, but it nailed Adam in the mid-section. And that launched him backward. Right into oblivion.


  “I need oxygen! For the love of—! Get me some oxygen over here! We already lost Chuck! I am not losing Adam!”

  Ryan sounded pretty distraught. And they knew about Chuck? Already? How long had he been out? Adam dragged his eyelids open. Peered up at his buddy. Ryan looked distraught, too. His shirt was unbuttoned, he was covered in dark smoke grime, his hair was lifted up in spikes, and his face was screwed into a distinct frown.


  “Adam! Oh! Sweet!” Ryan lifted a cell phone to his ear. He started shouting into it. “I’ve got him! He’s conscious! Where is my ambulance?”

  “About...Chuck.” Adam tried speaking. He sounded like an old geezer with lung issues.

  “Got bad news, man. He didn’t make it. The rest of us did. Not Chuck.”


  Ryan’s brows shot up. “Good?”

  “He started this...with gas. Tried to kill me.”

  “That’s crazy.”


  “I thought you two were tight.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.” Adam’s heart gave him a painful thump. His eyes watered up. And his throat felt really weird.

  “Careful sport. You’ll dislodge your bandage.”

  Adam lifted a hand, gingerly touched the padding at his neck. “You...intubated me?” he asked with stupefaction.

  “Not quite...although I started prep.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m a licensed paramedic, this is an emergency, and you like to breathe, don’t you?”

  “ nose. Sometimes...mouth.”

  Adam managed the reply, but waking made all kinds of things happen. The street was bright with all manner of light, not just the glow from a raging fire. Noise assailed him. It came from everywhere. Shouts. Engines. Ringing. Wind...


  That was wrong. He looked up past Ryan. There was a helicopter above them, rotors whirring. It beamed more light down onto the situation. And him. He was lying on the street. A blanket covered him. And it felt like a truck had run over him.


  “You’re lucky firemen carry some of the equipment I need. This could have been a lot worse.”

  “You...cut my throat.”

  Adam tried to swallow but gave up after the first attempt. His neck sent pain in spurts. They almost superseded the sensations beginning to radiate through the rest of his body.


  “You weren’t breathing! You know, most people think third degree burns are the main killers in a fire. Nope. Smoke inhalation. By the way, I have to say this before anyone else does. You really know how to make a grand entrance. Or exit, as the case may be. We are in major luck that Ken just got here and filmed it on his cell phone. Know what I mean?”


  Adam coughed but it ended on a strangled groan as
something akin to a sledgehammer slammed into his chest. He scrunched defensively, but that just made his abs feel like somebody was roasting them. He collapsed back onto the pavement in defeat.

  Ryan gently rested a hand on Adam’s chest. “Don’t move. Okay? I’ll explain everything!”

  “Okay,” Adam wheezed.

  “What I meant was, if it didn’t look like we’re going to be internet bazillionaires over the angel video, well...that stunt you just did would do the trick. Nobody – and I do mean nobody – flies out of a building like that. Slams into the pavement. And lives to tell about it.” Ryan lifted his cell and started shoving words into it again. “Looks like we’ve got broken ribs. Collarbone. Femurs. Yeah. Both. least one. Probable internal injuries, but no bloody aspiration. Without an x-ray, it’s anybody’s guess. Doesn’t sound like lung puncture, but I’m not counting it out. ETA? Four minutes! Still?”

  “Four...minutes?” Adam asked. “Until...what?”

  “That’s how long I have to keep you talking and breathing. And generally living. Because today is not your expiration day. You got that?”

  Adam groaned.

  With Jezebel gone...

  “Oh no, you don’t!” Ryan tapped at Adam’s cheek, gaining his attention again. “Don’t make me smack you...because I will. You are not dying on my watch. Got it? We’ll get you some water. Can you swallow?”

  “You tell me. You’re the one who...cut my throat.” Saying that took massive effort. Adam had to take small breaths between bits of words, wincing more than once as agony from just about everywhere on his body lanced through him.

  “Oh, fine. Blame me. And I told you, it isn’t a deep cut. But, this is your fault. If you and your girlfriend hadn’t decided to light the night on fire, you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.”

  Adam froze.

  “Just because we have a ‘no females’ rule, does not mean you have to sneak chicks in. I mean, honestly. We are grown guys. With hormones. We’d have kept our distance. Then again...we are guys. And she is...uh. Yeah. Maybe you did need to keep her a secret.”


  “I’m talking about your new girlfriend. She came staggering out of the smoke from behind the building, carrying Chuck atop her shoulders. Adrenaline is some force to be reckoned with, in case you didn’t already know that. Chuck had to be twice her weight. Unbelievable. I tell you, it was frickin’ unbelievable. I’d swear it was faked if I hadn’t seen it on Ken’s cell phone. That guy is good. We need to keep him.”


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