And Richer Read online

Page 8

  Could it?

  Oh. Come on, Mandy. Get a grip, girl.

  Mandy watched her feet more than she was used to. She was wearing heels and some of the streets were cobbled, uneven, and slick. Before they reached the plaza, she’d made her decision. She’d do exactly what she normally did. Keep silent.

  Watching Paul Henry walk out of her life hadn’t truly hurt. Her friends commiserated with her, but she hadn’t talked about it. Everyone thought her reticence was an excellent defense mechanism. They hadn’t known the truth. She was fond of Paul Henry, but she hadn’t been in love with him. She knew that for a certainty now. Because this was different. She felt like she’d known Nigel for years.

  Known him...and loved him.

  It was too weird to contemplate and impossible to explain. Each passing moment carried an element of sadness because they were apart. And there was nothing she could do about it. Mandy lifted the rose occasionally to her nose and inhaled. And it helped.



  This was scary.

  And he was a frickin’ vampire, for crying out loud. He was immortal. Invincible. Stronger than any man, faster than the human eye could track. He shouldn’t be afraid of anything. What was the worst thing that could happen? She’d say no?

  Nigel groaned, and pulled on his collar, trying to get a centimeter of space to swallow around the lump in his throat. It didn’t do much. He pushed the small black mask with silver piping around to the back of his head, out of the way. One of his less-gaudy masks, it dangled from about his neck, ready for use. He didn’t know if he’d need it or not, but he must be learning about proper planning from the boss. Nigel ran his hands along his thighs next, drying off dampness that came from nerves.


  This was another manifestation of the physiological benefits from finding his mate. A vampire got all the bennies back of being human. Nigel already knew they included fainting. Now he got a good dose of nervousness, sweaty palms, and gut-churning nausea. This was a great suit. Cut well. The trousers flexed with every movement, and the jacket was sewn to his exact proportions. He looked pretty damn good. He’d already been assigned the monikers of gorgeous. Quite debonair. And something called pimp, which was a good thing. At least, Lizbeth and the other ladies in the Hotel Sequiem lobby had said so when he’d stepped in to enquire about Mandy. They even gave him a round of applause over the gifts he’d sent.

  So. He’d found his Mandy had gone out. To the Campo Santa Margherita. With her friends. And he’d flown there.

  It was déjà vu.

  He was on the same rooftop, overlooking the same plaza. Watching the same quartet of females. Festivity was in the air. People were wearing pretty much the same assortment of flashy attire. And then Count Reynaldo Moroseni swooped down beside him and dislodged a roof tile. Again. Nigel stretched and caught it, but lost his footing. He had to scramble back to the gutter edge. He knelt at the roof edge and squeezed the tile until it started crumbling in his fist. Reynaldo actually watched him without comment.

  Nigel turned his head and finally asked it.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be guarding two Hunters?”

  It was akin to pushing an ‘on’ button. Reynaldo started spewing words and gesticulating.

  “That is exactly why I am here, lad! I cannot believe these Hunters! Not a backbone among them. I only have one fellow left, and he—. Well. He has lost a bit of blood. A good bit.”

  “Only one? What happened to the other one?”

  “He said he could not take my singing another moment. He’d rather die. And then he proved it by cutting his own throat. I didn’t even know he had a knife.”

  Nigel grunted.

  “I have a quandary now, boy. The other Hunter? He wishes to join us. I wasn’t certain whether I should acquiesce or not.”

  “Did you call Akron?”

  “Of course.”

  “What did he say?”

  Wait. There were three men approaching the table of ladies. Nigel’s eyes widened, his canines started tingling, and every muscle tightened. He only started to release them as the new arrivals focused on Mandy’s friends, leaving his mate sitting to one side. She didn’t appear to be with them. She didn’t join in the conversation beyond the greeting. She just sat there on her seat, looking lost in thought. And slightly downcast. Occasionally she would lift a long-stem red rose and sniff at it. He hoped it was one of his. His heart swelled at the thought.

  “He said I had to ask you.”

  Nigel turned his head, looked Reynaldo over, and then turned back to the plaza.

  “Akron said that?”


  “Did he say why?”

  “He said this is your show. You are running it. So. Here I am. I had to chase you down to ask. The fate of my guest is in your hands.”

  Nigel shook his head slightly. He couldn’t help smiling. Nor could he halt the flush of absolute pleasure that raced through him. Akron trusted him with this?

  “Did the man ask to join us before or after his companion committed suicide?” he finally asked.

  “Hmm. I think it was before. Does it matter?”

  Nigel shrugged. The jacket followed the motion. He really liked this coat. “You change him, you’re responsible for him. And his loyalty. Sounds like a promising recruit to me.”

  “Oh. Good. And I have to admit...things have been rather lonely around here lately.”

  “Well. If he can handle listening to you for as long as he has, he sounds like a strong candidate.” Nigel opened his hand and watched the crumbs of tile drift away. Then he reached into an inside pocket on his jacket to pull out a handkerchief and dust his hand off.

  “Very funny. I’ll just be off then—”

  The ring box flew from Nigel’s pocket with the handkerchief. Nigel stifled a shriek as Reynaldo snagged it. And then he had to watch as the count opened the lid and drew back in surprise. He narrowed his eyes, turned the box back and forth, and then the count whistled.

  “Nigel, my boy. This is a very nice stone.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Looks to be a round cut diamond...with a full 58 facets. Ah. I would say you have a D color grade. The very best. And if I am not mistaken, this stone has an IF rating. Internally Flawless. Looks to be eight carats. Maybe a little less. A stone of this quality and in this size is unbelievably rare. The band is probably not sufficient to hold it for eternity. It is very dainty. You may wish to get a stronger setting...wait. The wedding band is beneath it. Looks sturdy enough. This is extremely nice, Nigel. Speaking as a Venetian with absolute centuries of experience, I have to say that is one hell of a ring. Very impressive.”

  “Can I have it back now?” Nigel asked.

  “Oh. Yes. Of course.” The count gave it to him and then grinned. “So. You are proposing to your lady love?”

  Nigel secured the box back in his pocket and then pulled the jacket tight, placing it atop his heart before answering. “Not at the moment, but soon.”

  “Can I stay and watch?”

  Nigel groaned beneath his breath.


  “All right. You can keep a look out.”

  “What will I be looking for?”

  “That guy right there.”

  Nigel pointed to the dark spot beneath an awning where the image of a man in camouflage could be seen whenever the door opened, spilling light on him.

  “Those bastards! They couldn’t have sent a signal! I was with them every moment!”

  “Reynaldo. Listen up. Your guys are not responsible. Two Hunters disappeared while on assignment here. That man is part of the team sent to find out why.”

  “How many more are here?”

  “At least one. And look. There he is.”

  The first man was joined by another. And amid the revelry and action beneath them, Nigel actually caught movement through the corner of his eye. He looked to the alleyway he’d been standing in just last night. The mo
vement had been a flash of light reflected off the man’s canister. That Hunter had night vision goggles, and a scope. Nigel dove onto his belly.


  The man flattened beside him.

  “Another one?”

  “Right corner alley. With the scope.”

  “Ah. I see him. My. Your attempt to espouse yourself appears to be gaining difficulty by the moment, lad.”

  “Yeah. I noticed.”

  “So. What is the plan?”

  “You’re asking me?”

  “Well...yes. You are in charge. We have two against three at the moment. Would you like me to go change my Hunter, so we have three against three?”

  “I have to get her out of there first. I’ve tried enthralling her, but it’s not working tonight. We’ll need a diversion.”

  “You can’t thrall from this distance, boy.”

  “You know that. And I know that. But last night, it worked just fine. Better than fine.” Nigel sighed softly at the memory.

  “Really? Lucky dog.”

  “Wait!” Nigel put a hand on Reynaldo’s arm.

  “You think there could be more?”

  “There could always be more. And there will be. You do realize what’s happening, don’t you?”

  “Of course. I have a Hunter infestation in my city.”

  Nigel chuckled. “Pretty much.”

  “Then I must do what you do with all vermin! They are just like scarafaggio! Our word for cockroaches. I must eradicate them!”

  “Not quite.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because there will always be more. The more of them you kill, the more will descend. Sooner or later, they will find you. You are going to need to vacate for a spell.”

  “Vacate my beautiful city? You are not serious.”

  “As a heart attack to a mortal.”

  “For how long?”

  Nigel shrugged. “Six months. Eight. It varies.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Oh yeah. And...what do you know? Looks like we have four Hunters now. Do you see him? Left side. Trying very hard to blend in.”

  “I do not see anything of note.”

  “That’s because you have lived here for too long. You don’t notice the extraordinary.”

  “The entire city fits that description, my boy! How could I choose what to note, and what to disregard? Which is lovelier? A Tintoretto painting? Or a Vivaldi solo?”

  Nigel gave a heavy sigh. “You will never change, Reynaldo. Ever. Look closer. Our man is trying to look like a regular tourist...only he’s carrying a crossbow. You can just see it down by his thigh. That is one clue. The other is the amount of attention he is giving one particular table. Oh! Shit. I wish I’d thought to check their Python Link. I’d have known for certain how many to expect.”

  “Python Link?”

  “It’s the name of the Hunter’s new communication system. Long story. You see him yet?”

  “You are very good, Nigel. A crossbow at his side, you say?”

  “You do see him?”

  “Yes. Sharp eyes, Master Nigel. Very sharp.”

  “So. Do you have other digs?”


  “Another residence you can move to. Outside of Venice?”

  “Of course. Several. I believe I shall visit my chalet in the Alps. Swiss side. It is very nice this time of year. Not as nice as Venice, but there are compensations. Lots of robust sustenance. Not many vices up there. I may even manage to gain weight. I can take my new companion with me.”

  “Sounds delightful.” Nigel unfastened the mask from his neck and lowered it. Wouldn’t need it now.

  “No mask?”

  Reynaldo asked it as Nigel slipped it into an outside pocket.

  “I’m going to need my full face to pull this off, bud.”

  “You are?”

  “Don’t worry. Here is the plan. We only have one shot at this. You ready?”


  Nigel was here. Somewhere. Mandy didn’t question it. Her body was sensing the same vibes as last night. She knew now where they emanated from, and what they meant. That thought had her lifting the rose to her nose more than once to hide any expression. It was odd. Her girlfriends were having a great time with the guys. Bridget didn’t appear to be annoyed at her blind date, either. Her expression was really animated. Made the girl much more attractive.

  Mandy looked about. She was in a sea of hormone-driven bodies. Chatting. Dancing. Touching. Drinking. And other flirtatious activities. It really looked like a virtual sea of people about her. And she might as well be alone.

  “So...Mandy? What do you say?”

  Ariel was speaking. Mandy turned back to the table that wasn’t meant for seven occupants. Chairs were jutting out into the space used for aisles, and one guy was standing. He wasn’t the only one. It looked like standing room only in several spots tonight.

  “To what?”

  “Well. Chad wants to show us his...”

  Mandy didn’t hear the rest. She didn’t care. Nigel had just stepped through a group of people. He gained a lot of attention. Everyone about him seemed to move, resembling a multi-hued zipper that unzipped while he strode unconcernedly through it. He was wearing a dark suit. White shirt. Thin, dark tie. She’d never seen anything as breath-stealing and heart-stirring. Heartbeats filled her ears. Her breath caught. She even stood without meaning to, and then her legs gave her trouble as she wobbled atop heels.

  “Look! It can’t be!” That was Bridget.

  “Oh. Sweetness! It’s Paul Henry Beethan! In a suit!” Chelsea exclaimed.

  “A suit! Let me see! Oh. Wow. I have died and gone to heaven. Uh. No offense, Chad.” Ariel added.

  “That is not Paul Henry, ladies. That is Nigel,” Mandy informed them.

  “Oh, holy shit,” Chelsea replied.

  “Times two,” Ariel topped her.

  Nigel stopped a foot from Mandy. He was leaner than Paul Henry and the suit was tailored exactly to him. It didn’t hide one bit of his frame. He was muscled, amazingly toned. She knew exactly what his six-pack abs and hard pecs looked and felt like. Mandy blushed even as she tried not to. It wasn’t entirely her fault. Everybody seemed to have stopped what they were doing to watch. They might as well have a spotlight on them. It was Nigel’s doing. The guy was gorgeous, and perfectly displayed in that get-up. Paul Henry would have trouble competing. She hadn’t noticed, but Nigel’s hair was a shade darker, as well. And...he was a little shorter, too. Oh. Wait. She was in heels.

  Mandy giggled.

  “Hi, babe,” he said.

  “Oh. Swoon.”

  One of her friends said it. Mandy ignored them.

  Nigel turned his head and seemed to be looking for someone behind him. Mandy followed his gaze. Ah. He was greeting her Beethan bodyguards. She hadn’t even noticed them. He tipped his chin to them. One of them responded with two-finger salute. The other nodded. He then looked over her shoulder and nodded toward someone behind her. His next move was to tip his head to one side while he lifted an arm to point his index finger toward someone. She guessed he was signaling the men her uncle had hired. She didn’t know. She didn’t care. She didn’t move to verify anything. She was too busy checking out how good he looked. How masculine. Classy. Amazingly handsome. And all of that came with a sensation of warmth and wellbeing just from being close to him.

  She was caught at it when he returned his attention to her. He took a step closer. The top of her head was level with his mouth. She looked up. His neon blue eyes had a red circle about them, leeching into the blue to make purple. Her eyes widened. He winked.

  “Miss Robes? Would you...walk with me?”

  Mandy blinked. He spoke with perfect British enunciation. He’d sounded so much like Paul Henry a stab of misgiving went through her. But then he smiled, and sent her heart fluttering again.

  “Say yes!” That sounded like Bridget.

  “Oh. Yes,” Mandy replied

  Nigel put his arm out. Mandy gave him her fingers. The connection sparked. And when he tucked it into the crook of his arm, the contact sizzled. Oh! This was such fun!


  One of her girlfriends said it. Mandy waved at them with her free hand.

  “Don’t wait up for me,” she replied.

  “You ready, love?” Nigel leaned his head down.

  “Oh, yes. Yes.”

  “Don’t let go of me. Whatever happens. Okay?”

  Mandy gasped. Nigel started walking. People moved out of their way. Time slowed. A vacuum of silence enwrapped them. And then, without a bit of warning, the night exploded.


  The shout was followed by more of them. Flames shot from the building where the two men in camouflage had been standing. They could be the orange-hued fireballs that lurched out into the crowd, spreading flames with every step. Nigel folded her into his embrace, wrapped an arm about her, and leapt up.

  Three stories up.

  Mandy threw her arms about his waist, and hung on. One of her shoes slipped off. A scream caught in her throat. It was joined by her heart as it launched upward with a painful move. They landed atop a balcony edge. A spray of something shattered the window behind him. Nigel grunted, bent his legs and jumped again, soaring upward. This time they cleared that building, and two more that were behind it. They landed atop roof tiles that clattered beneath his feet. And then he leapt again. And again. Each one took them farther from the chaos. She turned her head, picked out the spot of the city where they’d just been. The area glowed yellow and orange beneath a growing cover of smoke. Mandy turned aside. Wind whipped her hair. Stole her breath. But she had to know.

  “Nigel!! Back there.”


  “They’re going to die!”

  “If not, they will wish they had. Hold on!”

  Nigel jumped out into empty space again. The streets and canals blurred beneath them. She didn’t know where they were. She couldn’t scan the view long enough to verify anything. The city was confusing as a pedestrian. The aerial view was disorienting and slightly nauseating. She closed her eyes, tucked her nose into his neck and tightened her grip. Nigel’s breaths became labored. Harsh. And then he stopped.


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