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And Richer Page 9

  And groaned.


  “It’s okay, babe. I just need I’ll let you go for a moment. Can you stand?”

  He released her slowly. Mandy opened her eyes. They were in a large turret, overlooking a plethora of moon-kissed red roofs.

  “Where are we?”

  “Scala Contarini...del Bovolo.”


  “Spiral staircase. Named after a snail. It’s a Venetian landmark. Don’t love.”

  He grabbed one sleeve of the exquisite jacket and pulled at it until the shoulder seams tore. He yanked it over his hand. Mandy’s exclamation halted at the sight of several spike-things in his arm. They glued the white shirt to him; four in the lower arm, two in his bicep. One near his shoulder. And everywhere there was blood. As she gaped, Nigel ripped the shirt sleeve off, working it free around the projectiles. That looked even worse. And then he started pulling the spikes out before tossing them out into the night. One after the other. He gritted his teeth and gave a huff of pain with each one. The one in his shoulder was last. He gave a groan as he pulled that one out. And then he slapped a hand to the wound and pressed, to stop the bleeding.

  “You—you were injured!”

  “They shot at me, darling.”


  “The Hunters you worried over.”

  “No.” She shook her head for emphasis.

  “Luckily, they were not using consecrated wood. This could be worse.”


  “Yeah. It makes gruesome-looking wounds, and it saps strength, too. I needed all I could muster back there.”

  “Those men? Paul Henry’s men?”

  “Exactly those.”

  “No. Wait. Wait. Wait. I can’t think. I can’t. This is too much.”

  “It is so difficult?”

  “But they shot you!”

  “They track down and kill vampires, darling. And I am one. I told you last night. Before...and during.”

  “No. No. Wait.”

  He took a step toward her and stumbled. Mandy was at his good side instantly, holding him, helping him to the railing. Her arms went about his waist. His good arm looped around hers. She hadn’t thought anything through. Her action had been instinctive...because she loved him. Her feelings were impossible to deny. They were too large. All-consuming. She’d never felt so happy.

  They leaned against the balustrade for long moments. She’d lost her final shoe somewhere. The stone floor felt cool on her feet. Everything else started warming as she locked gazes with him, and thrilled to each palpitation her heart gave.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I should ask that of you.”

  “Oh. I’m fine, love. I recuperate pretty quickly. I’ll be fine. It’s okay. Truly.” He lowered his forehead to hers. Shuddered through a shaky breath. “Wow. I always seem to be at my worst when we meet.”

  “I don’t think you have such a thing,” she replied.

  “I love you, Mandy Robes. Deeply. Unrelentingly. Eternally.”

  He pulled her toward him and touched his lips to hers. The world behind her closed lids became a shower of fireworks. A blizzard of wonder. A resurgence of joy. Any destruction they’d left in the Campo Santa Margherita was forgotten.

  He pulled away first. Licked his lips, and looked away. Out over the rooftops. His good arm pulled her closer. She could hear his heart beating, each one echoing hers.



  “You’re not...Paul Henry’s brother, are you?”

  His lips tipped into a smile. “Uh. No.”

  “Not illegitimate one?”


  His cousin?”

  He shook his head.


  “Darling. I told you. I am a vampire. Paul Henry and I are related. Closely. I...hope that doesn’t bother you too much...because. Um. I have something...very important to say.”

  He gulped. She heard it.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Now. If I can just reach...”

  He must be telling the truth about his ability to recuperate. He pulled away from her far enough that he could shuffle beneath his jacket lapel with his injured arm. Mandy’s eyes went wide as he pulled out a little ring box.

  She caught her breath.

  “Mandy Robes? I love you. I need you. I know we just met. This is...sudden. There are so many things I need to explain. And so many things you’ll need to deal with. But...I love you. I want to be with you. You are the missing piece of me. I am your mate, my love. And you are mine. And I want the world to know that. He looked down at the box between them and then back at her. “I should get on my knees, huh?”

  “Just open it,” she replied.

  He flicked the top open with his thumb. Mandy’s jaw dropped. She’d never seen such a huge stone. Nor one that shone so brilliantly. Even in the vague light cast from the city before them and the moonlight, the ring sparkled and shocked. Stunned. And sent an instant wave of tears.

  “Oh. Nigel.”

  “Will you marry me?” he asked.

  “Got him!”

  She and Nigel swung toward the only opening onto the stair landing. A large man stood there, decked out in so much weaponry, he didn’t look human. Nor did the thing he had aimed at Nigel look real. Nigel shoved her from him and she didn’t even have time to scream.


  Nigel’s moves were instinctive and reflexive. He shoved Mandy behind him, stood squarely in front of her, and faced fate. A red wash colored the world as hurt and anger pumped through him.

  And most of all, loss.

  He wasn’t going to survive this time. The Hunter was too close. The crossbow pointed right at his chest. From a distance of about eight feet. A heart shot was imminent. Death right behind it. And all he could think of was Mandy. Her beautiful face. Her amazing body. How she made him feel. He had to blink back tears to face the Hunter.

  “Hi there...pretty boy,” the guy jeered.

  The big guy was out of breath. It could be because climbing the staircase carrying weaponry was a feat of physical endurance. Or he was excited. Nigel didn’t answer.

  “Nice moves...down at...the plaza. We didn’t know...Paul Henry had a twin. We checked in. He’s Cabo. And you...are history.”

  He jostled his weapon slightly. Mandy poked at Nigel’s back. He stiffened and kept his arm snugly about her, securing her safely behind him. Maybe he could keep the jackass talking. Showing off. That would gain some extra time. Maybe an opening. They were against the balcony railing. A quick slip over the side was a viable option.

  If he could keep the guy talking.

  “You explain?” the Hunter asked.

  “Explain what?” Nigel asked, using his British accent.

  “Who the hell you are.”


  The guy was getting his wind back. He no longer panted between words as often. “Oh. I’m thinking it’ll get me…all kinds of accolades. They’ll have to invent a higher ranking award than the pair patch...just for me. You want to hurry it up a bit, though? I got a nervous trigger finger. I may get so I don’t care.”

  “Hold that thought. Okay, buddy?”

  Mandy poked him again. Nigel watched for any reaction from the Hunter as he tipped his head back. He felt her lift to her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

  “Where is the ring?”

  As crazy as it sounded, he actually felt like laughing, but caught it. A glance showed he still had the box. He had it in a vice-like grip in his other hand. Using muscles that had been injured but were rapidly healing.

  “You ever wonder who fathered Chester?” He asked in a conversational tone.

  “The head guy? Chester Beethan? Our leader?”

  Nigel slid his hand around his side. Nudged Mandy’s hip with it. He felt her take the box. He didn’t move his gaze from the Hunter. Or his cro

  “Yeah. That’s the one.”

  “Never had a reason to ask,” the Hunter told him.

  “Well. You are looking at him.”

  Mandy gasped. He felt her moving about behind him, although she wasn’t visible to the Hunter. He sucked in his cheeks as he realized she just might be accepting his proposal and donning his ring. Elation pumped through him, overtaking the red haze and making every moment crystal clear. Brilliant. And infinitely precious.

  “You’re are Chester Beethan’s father? And you expect me to believe it?”


  “You gotta be shitting me.”

  “Chester probably doesn’t even know. Maybe you should take me in instead of turn me to dust. Introduce us. You might get an even higher award.”

  “This is too weird, buddy. Way too weird.”

  “I’m not too fond of it, either. He embarrasses the crap out of me.”

  The guy snickered. Nigel lunged for him. The crossbow fired. And Akron dropped into the space between them, his black cloak wavering with his arrival. Nigel swallowed any reactionary outburst. That hurt his throat. But a second later, the Hunter’s head sailed over the railing beside where Mandy stood.

  Nigel could only hope she hadn’t seen it.

  He couldn’t see much. Akron was in the way. Nigel could imagine it clearly enough. The headless body was probably slumped to the stone, pumping out what blood it could before the circulatory system failed completely. Creating a pool. Staining the marble. Then his boss swiveled to face them. Akron wiped his sword clean between his thumb and index finger and then he lifted his shield. An arrow was stuck in it. Still quivering.

  The sword lifted and Akron sliced the shaft of the arrow away. He pulled the arrowhead end out from the back. Both parts fell to the stone at their feet. And then Akron stuck two fingers through the resultant hole.

  “This is a sixteenth century Venetian round leather shield, Nigel. The exterior has been lacquered for strength. The embellishment is in silver leaf. It looks golden because of the yellow varnish. It is extremely rare. Extremely. And now, look at it.”


  Nigel’s voice wavered. He didn’t know how he kept his knees from buckling. Oh yes, he did. He had an arm around Mandy. She was still at his back. He had to protect her.


  “So.” Akron slid the sword into the scabbard at his back. “Am I in time?”

  “Well. Yeah. Just. I was about to get skewered.”

  “Oh, not that. He was easy. I meant, am I in time to witness your proposal?”

  Nigel opened his mouth. Mandy forestalled it. She stuck her left hand out from behind him, and then she followed it up by stepping into view at his side. The ring was enormous atop her finger. Nigel looked from it to her. His eyes went wide. And, now that he knew exactly what fainting felt like, he forestalled it. He dropped to a crouch, put his forehead on the floor and started breathing in quick, little gasps.

  And it worked.

  Akron’s laughter helped mitigate the embarrassment Nigel should be feeling. The man was loud enough to rattle the marble pillars. It took Mandy’s attention off him long enough to recover, and stand back up. He wondered if that was Akron’s intent.

  “Ah. I see you have accepted his offer of marriage, my dear.”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Well! Congratulations to you both! I believe you’re going to need some time off, Nigel. How long will you need?”

  “Wait a minute. Aren’t you that manservant...from the palazzo?” Mandy asked.

  Akron bowed. “Indeed. And I was the gondolier. I was also willing to assume the role of fatherhood, should it have been required. I am many things, Miss Robes. I even play electric guitar now. Perhaps we could duet?”

  “Who are you?”

  “Let me handle this,” Nigel inserted before Akron could reply. “Darling? May I introduce Akron Profit? He is the leader of...are you ready? The Vampire Assassin League.”

  “The Vampire Assassin League? Assassin? You are assassins, too? You mean to tell me that...draining blood isn’t enough? Oh. Nigel. Um...”

  “I believe your nuptials are going to require a massive paradigm shift, Mandy, my dear. You may not even have been aware of it, but in accepting Nigel, you have gained a lot more than just a spouse. You will need some time off, too. How does a month sound?”

  “A month?” Nigel asked.

  “What?” Mandy’s exclamation was on the heels of his. And she sounded dismayed, too.

  “Very well. Take two. But please. Consider my side here. You are not just marrying anyone. Nigel Beethan is my Executive Assistant. I really can’t do without him for much longer than that.”

  “We’ll negotiate. Okay, Boss?”

  Akron sighed. “Oh. All right. I’ll get by. I’ve been meaning to speak with Lizbeth about her future for some time, anyway. She might be ready to embrace eternity.”

  “Oh my. Um, Nigel? I just thought of something.” Mandy caught his attention. She sounded strange.

  “What is it, love? You’re not having...second thoughts?”

  Nigel tensed for her reply. Her stunned expression didn’t give him much clue.

  “Is what you told that Hunter man...true? You really are Chester Beethan’s father?”


  “Oh, no.”

  “Oh, no?”

  “Do you know what that means?”


  “I’m going to be my ex-boyfriend’s grandmother!”

  Akron burst into another round of laughter. It lingered in the air long after he disappeared. Nigel didn’t even notice. He had his mate in his arms, his lips on hers, his ring on her finger, and his heart in her hands.

  And that was just perfect.


  About the Author

  Jackie Ivie lives in the enormous state of Alaska with her husband and three very spoiled pets. She started her writing career writing hot highland historical romances for Kensington Publishing. There are now ten “Clans series” books, available in seven languages. Keeping her head in the clouds most of the time, Jackie now spends her time researching, developing, and writing her paranormal series – the Vampire Assassin League, as well as her other historical line – the Brocade Collection.

  Jackie loves hearing from fans, who can contact her at or

  Want to keep up with the assassins of the Vampire Assassin League? Consider joining the Assassin Street Team at

  AND RICHER is the 25th installment of the Vampire Assassin League. Check out all the assassins in the VAL, available singly, in 4-book bundles, a ten-story mega pack and in print as 2-packs.

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